Soboba Cultural Center and Research Library: the collections contain regionally specific resources related to Southern California Indian culture and history. The Cultural Center strives to be "a higher education learning facility teaching with an educational curriculum and programs created with the inclusion of cultural traditions, histories, and philosophies of the Sovereign Nation of the Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians" and "a repository for the tribe's cultural heritage through the preservation of oral histories, archival materials and objects of cultural, historical and artistic significance to the people of Soboba... The collections of the tribal cultural center are modest in size and consist of approximately 900 books, resource materials such as photos, maps, baskets, items of natural resources and pamphlets. The tribal display area for the collections and exhibits are modest in size, due in part to lack of proper space. The Cultural Center is currently displaying memorabilia and photos of Soboba Tribal Veterans, Southern California Cahuilla and Luiseño baskets, and small educational replicas of traditional objects." Access to digital resources is restricted, permission required to access collections.
Library Location (country)
Library Location (state, region, province)
Library Location (city)
San Jacinto
Media Type:
Access based
Some restricted Access
Geographic Region:
North America
State, country, province (where available):
Subject/Category Tag(s):
Law and History